RAHAT (Rehabilitation of Ailing Humans through Action and Treatment) is a non-profit charitable organization created to meet a growing need for community based programs in the field of health, particularly mental health, laying special emphasis on preventive education, early intervention and rehabilitation.

RAHAT was formed in 1988 to augment the meagre existing facilities in the area of health education and action programs with community orientation. This need was particularly felt amidst the increasing stresses of modern living, leading to a breakdown in the coping abilities of individuals caught at such crossroads.

Our Vision

The Urdu word ‘RAHAT’ means ‘Solace’ or ‘Relief’. The name also encapsulates our founding philosophy – working towards increasing the overall well-being of individuals and society, by providing them relief through mental, emotional, social and spiritual support. We are dedicated to the cause of health promotion and seek to educate, create awareness, support and empower people at large for the enhancement of their holistic health, emotional well-being and social welfare. We seek an equitable, non-discriminatory and stigma-free society. Our motto is the promotion of:

A Healthy Mind,
In a Healthy Body,
In a Spiritually Inclined, Sustaining Society.

Our Mission

  • To partner with individuals, organizations, special groups, societies and countries across the world for sharing of resources, services, expertise and philosophy to improve the human condition, reduce exploitative and stigmatizing beliefs or practices in the field of health, particularly mental health.
  • To remove the stigma associated with opening up about mental health related issues and problems and seeking help for them.
  • To make every person, regardless of their age, caste, gender, religion, nationality, profession or economic status come forward for the management of mental illnesses with compassion, respect, dignity and confidentiality.
  • To facilitate access to the resources people require in maintaining and improving mental and emotional wellbeing.
  • To increase awareness through pro-active community integration.
  • To promote a model of mental health care where everyone has access to affordable, sustainable and high quality and recovery oriented mental health services and healings.
  • To strengthen the capacity of individuals, families, professionals, organizations and communities to facilitate well-being and realize human potential for themselves and their members.