Preparation and Production of pamphlets which can be kept at prominent places with the help of establishments (stores, shops, showrooms, computer centers, organizations etc.) to spread awareness on issues of mental health in the general population. These can be distributed in Delhi and satellite towns as well as other select cities around the country. These pamphlets will be produced in English, Hindi and other vernacular languages for rural areas through local enablers and doctors practicing there. The topics to be covered are- Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Psychosomatic illnesses, Schizophrenia, Phobias, Mental Retardation, Epilepsy, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Conduct Disorders in Children, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Addiction, Tobacco Abuse, Internet and Pornography Addiction, Emotional Well-being Strategies etc.
Create short audio-visual messages on mental health and emotional well-being that can be displayed in public places through
television networks
social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
Documentaries, audio- visuals and pamphlets giving general information and tips for parents, teachers and students on stress, depression, social anxiety, relationship issues, drugs, alcohol and tobacco abuse for schools. These can be used by television networks, social media channels and events to ensure widest community outreach.
Create audio spots for awareness building on mental health and emotional well-being that can be played on community radio, popular FM radio stations or through Government and non-government organizations at designated places.
The material produced to be distributed to other organizations working in the field to create a mass movement towards greater awareness on mental health and emotional well-being.
To continue the thrust on mass community outreach through various media in the form of contribution of articles and audio-visual material on Mental Health and Well-Being through various media platforms.
To carry out research for combining western medicine with eastern thought for healthy life style and emotional well-being integrating mental health and spirituality.
To continue providing guidance and referral services on distress and disease for those requiring it.